[Feasibility Study] Ecuador Customs System Modernization

On the 13th July, 1998 the Ecuador Customs Law was established which led to the foundation of Ecuadorian Customs Cooperation (Corporacion Aduanera Ecuatoriana, CAE), with public rights and undefined duration, national patrimony, with technical and administrative autonomy and the institutional values of transparency, loyalty, and efficiency.

The main objective of CAE is to facilitate foreign trade operations while performing control on goods, persons and transport media, in order to collect exact duty and reduce clearance time; and two general policy exist, which are: 1) Optimization of corporate image such as improvement to the CAE image, raise capacity of employees, difuse to the society the obligations of customs tax and duties, and 2) Efficient process management such as process optimization, invest in technology, control on corporate performance.

Based on that the project and system coordination is in charge of SICE system CUPIA has supported with a feasibility study for a future modernization of its customs administration working on the general national environment (political, economic, IT, etc.) and the CAE’s internal environment (business and IT status) analysis and designing a To Be Model.

Based on the mission of CAE ‘Collect tax and facilitate trade’ and the vision of ‘To become one of the World Best Customs and contribute to national development’, five directions were suggested by CUPIA, which are: to provide a Paperless environment, entire, Customs Business automation, Information sharing for internal and external users, provide an Integrated IT infrastructure, and provide Information based management environment.

After implementing the 5 tasks explained economic benefits will be expected such as reduction of ime consumption cost in declaration processing, reduction of cost for paper use and management, reduction of cost in logistics, etc. Also, stakeholders in trade will be satisfied by more efficient clearance procedure and more information provided by CAE. Stakeholders put more effort to comply the customs law, because they predict that CAE will provide more fast clearance with low inspection rate as long as they declare sincerely CAE can measure the performance of customs officers with the data extracted from new developed system.

Finally, CAE will have the new tool for continuous development and can lead the development of public service of Ecuador.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you need further information about the assistance.